The only Italian Gelato University is a unique educational institution, located in Bologna. This university is known for studying Gelato - famous Italian ice cream. And not so long ago specialists of the University decided to go beyond Bologna and developed a special education program for tourists, who want to know the subtleties of making the main Italian sweet.
New course was called Gelato Pioneers. It includes training of chefs the art of making Gelato and methods of promoting Gelato in the market.
Duration of courses is 4 weeks. During this time will be determined 10 most talented students, which will be offered a week practice in one of the best Gelato shops in northern Italy and will be able to test the latest models of special machines for making ice cream.
Gelato University was founded in Bologna in 2003. The initiator of its creation was Carpigiani Group, which specializes in the manufacturing of machinery for making ice cream. In total, the share of Carpigiani Group in producing such machines is accounted for 70% of the global market.
Currently, Gelato Pioneers courses are available only for the Italians. However, companies are going to put the new course on the international market and present it to foreigners in 2012.
It is worth noting that educational training programs for use Carpigiani Group products are one of the main activities of the company. Currently there are about 9000 educational programs for customers of the Carpigiani Group throughout the world.
Gelato University in Bologna currently has a large laboratory, where people learn to produce ice cream on the latest models of the company. Courses for cooks are available in 10 languages.
In addition to training program participants in the University of Bologna will be able to get a certificate of a specialist, if they want to open production of Gelato at home. Currently at the University of Gelato study students from China, USA, Lebanon, Australia and Africa. In the university today are available six courses, from beginner level to expert.
Ilya Kalachev
Date: 23/05/2011
Thank you Ilya! Carpigiani Gelato University is proud to be on We want to spread worldwide the culture of gelato artigianale and your article is precious for us!